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  • 29°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, February 08, 2025
  • 10:08 PM
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Casperville Road Museum

Located along the scenic route of Casperville Road, drivers pass by an impressive outdoor display of eye-catching machinery. This winding back road cuts through farm land and small, local homes including the home of John Besendorfer and surrounding family. His family dates back to some of the early pioneers in the late 1800s, and all are or were farming families.

One of the original dairies in the area, the property now sits as a memorial to days long gone but not forgotten. Back when animals pulled equipment to till the soil and plant the crops. Today, John's land serves as a collection and museum with wooden wagon wheels, historic equipment, and fun artifacts spilling from the buildings and decorating the property that faces the road. 

One of the large and impressive historic pieces of the collection is a pioneer home that was carefully transported from Charleston using railroad jacks and a semi-trailer. 

John’s personal favorite is his great grandfather’s Mormon Battalion uniform, sword, and cane that he inherited. Having come through both the Mexican War and the Black Hawk war, the artifacts are close to John’s heart and too valuable to be displayed publicly, but he still loves talking about their stories.

John offers personal guided tours for free. He enjoys sharing stories and helping pass some of the historic facts on to the next generation. Call ahead for reservations as tours are provided on his private property by advance appointment only: 435-654-1459. Although free to all, an appreciative tip or donation goes a long way to help this private museum stay running and open for all to enjoy.

435-654-1459 (By Appointment Only)
Attraction Type
Art and Entertainment
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