Bart the Bear, a beloved Utah-based animal actor trained by Doug and Lynne Seus, is being celebrated with a new mural in Heber City, Utah, for the legacy in film and conservation. This mural project, supported by local organizations and a Heber City TAPS grant, sits across from the historic Avon Theater. Following Bart’s success in the 1990s, the owners and trainers founded Vital Ground, a conservation nonprofit now headquartered in Montana, which has since preserved over 1 million acres for grizzlies and other wildlife. A celebration event with film screenings, storytelling, and a memoir release will be held on November 15-16, 2025.
Friday, November 15, 2024
5:00 PM: Mural Reception & Book Release Party with Doug and Lynne Seus, Chris Peterson, and special guest Doug Peacock
6:30 PM: Welcome, Bart Stories & Friday Feature: An Unfinished Life (2005)
Brett Prettyman, Doug and Lynne Seus, Doug Peacock
8:30 PM: Q & A with Doug and Lynne Seus
Saturday, November 16, 2024
9:00 AM: Grizzly Bear Conservation with select grizzly short films
​11:00 AM: The Great Outdoors (1988) matinee
12:00-2:00 PM: Book signing "The Grizzlies and Us" with Lynne Seus at Avon
1:00 PM: Dr. Doolittle 2 (1991) matinee at Ideal
3-4:30 PM: The Giant of Thunder Mountain (1990) matinee at Avon
6:30-8:30 PM: Introductions, Bart stories, and Saturday feature: The Bear (1988) with Doug and Lynne Seus & Doug Peacock
​8:30 PM: Q & A with Doug and Lynne at Avon