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  • 28°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, February 08, 2025
  • 12:30 AM
Light Snow 28°
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L: 19°
Monday H: 37°
L: 9°
Tuesday H: 36°
L: 6°
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February 2022 Business of the Month: Zions Bank

We are so proud to award our local Zions Bank regional office and bank branch as the Heber Valley Chamber Business of the Month for February 2022. We met up with the branch manager, Jeremy Fairbanks, to learn more about this local branch and what has made it so successful in our community.

The local branch is focused on providing what it refers to as “relationship banking.” The team wants to really know its members and understand what its members needs are and what they are working toward. The bank staff loves to support its members as those members work toward their individual financial goals.

Zions Bank has an excellent reputation in Heber Valley. The bank’s staff are always friendly and helpful. And the bank loves giving back to the community. Each year, the local Zions Bank branch does a “Paint-A-Thon” where the staff members find a family in need and offer their time and physical labor to paint and update a home in the valley. The staff love being directly involved in projects like this, and it keeps our community united and helps to beautify the area. In addition, the local branch grows and maintains a community garden in the shared parking area. The staff grows vegetables each summer and donates the produce to the local Food Pantry throughout the season. The local branch also offers community financial education programs to share information and financial resources.

Jeremy and his family have been part of the Heber Valley for over 14 years, raising their family in our picturesque valley. They are integrated into the community and love living here and working here. With nearly two decades of financial industry and banking experience, Jeremy loves seeing locals at his branch and enjoys providing good customer service and financial services to the residents and businesses in our community. Next time you stop into Zions Bank, be sure to say hello to Jeremy. He’s a great member of our growing town.

Zions Bank, 20 N Main Street, Heber City, UT 84032 

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