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  • 29°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, February 08, 2025
  • 09:26 PM
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November 2022 Business of the Month: Lee's Marketplace

We are proud to recognize Lee’s Marketplace in Heber City as the November 2022 Heber Valley Chamber Business of the Month award recipient. This local grocer is well loved in the community, and for good reason. Friendly faces greet customers, and eager staff are willing to help shoppers find items, order specific products, and plan for upcoming special moments and celebrations.

From floral to bakery to pharmacy to meat and cheese, each department offers great products and expert service. And the store continues to invest for an improved shopping experience. Lee’s Marketplace recently completed a major remodel of the store, expanding many departments, including adding a drive-through pharmacy option and seating around the deli and prepared food areas, along with more lighting to keep the store bright for shoppers.

Matt Wiser, Store Director at the Heber City location, spent some time sharing his experience and passion for his work at this local grocery store. Matt started working at Lee’s Marketplace in 2010. He didn’t know at the time that his job would turn into his career. Matt is proud to lead the team and provide fresh foods and friendly service to the growing Heber Valley community. His team’s dedication and focus creates a great shopping experience for all customers. Matt invites the community to stop by and say hello any time. He loves seeing familiar faces and meeting new residents and visitors alike.

The local Lee's Marketplace is also committed to giving back to the Heber Valley community. Aside from being active chamber members, the grocer offers regular giveaways, special promotions, shares recipe favorites, highlights its team members, and helps with special events and fundraisers. If you're looking for a great local grocery store for your regular shopping needs, stop by the convenient Lee's Marketplace location and get to know the team there.

>>>Nominate a local Heber Valley business to be the next BUSINESS OF THE MONTH.

Lee’s Marketplace   
890 South Main Street, Heber City, UT 84032   
Website: https://www.leesmarketplace.com    
Phone: 435-654-2352

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