Imposter syndrome can strike anyone at any time in any setting. Imposter syndrome is a debilitating feeling playing at your insecurities, comparing your weaknesses to other strengths, and can keep you from contributing in a meaningful way. Many first-time leaders and business owners report feeling imposter syndrome, as if they don’t belong and are fooling themselves. Another accompanying feeling new leaders and business owners feel is isolation and loneliness. It can be lonely thinking you must be the only business that struggles with lead generation, closing a sale, or even knowing what to post on social media.
Feelings like imposter syndrome or loneliness can be killers of creativity for anyone trying to run a business or lead an organization. Of the many techniques to combat these feelings, my favorite is connection. Connecting and learning from others who have been in my shoes or felt what I have felt has been key to personal growth and development. Some of the most liberating experiences I have had to combat imposter syndrome and isolation have been what felt like “group therapy” with my peers. When I learned that I wasn’t the only one who struggled with some aspect of running an organization or how to deal with an issue, I was filled with courage. My feelings of imposter syndrome subsided, and creativity began to flow.
One of the tenets of the Chamber’s mission is to foster connection. This past Chamber luncheon, we created a “Mastermind Networking” event. This included setting up several stations around the room with different topics, from financial planning to marketing, community outreach, and e-commerce. At each table, participants brainstormed, bounced ideas off one another, and learned from others who successfully implemented the topic into their businesses. As important as it is to learn from those who have “been there, done that,” it is just as powerful to know that you’re not the only one dealing with the challenges you face. Seeing the free flow of ideas and the energy it sparked in those who participated was amazing.
Thank you to all of those who attended and shared best practices. The Chamber board and staff are pleased to provide a space where business owners can create these connections. We look forward to holding more of these events in the future.
Dallin Koecher
Executive Director
Heber Valley Chamber, Tourism & Economic Development