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Heber City Invites Residents to The Community Vision Celebration

HEBER CITY, Utah – Envision Heber 2050 invites all Heber City residents, community members and stakeholders to take part in the third step in the General Plan visioning process on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Heber Valley Elementary, located at 730 South 600 West in Heber City. This third public workshop will act as a community celebration, in which the community-guided results from the previous two public events and online surveys will be presented by the Envision Heber 2050 Steering Committee.

The outpouring of community involvement has made the Heber City General Plan visioning process a collaborative success. Envision Heber would like to thank everyone who has participated in the public workshops and online for their time, attention, and thoughtful comments and feedback. Shaping the future of Heber City is a community effort and the General Plan will reflect the feedback provided by the community.

From start to finish, the visioning process must remain a community effort. As we come together to celebrate the results gleaned from all of the public workshops, open houses and surveys, Envision Heber encourages any community members who haven’t contributed to make their voices heard. When it comes to planning our community’s future, every voice counts.

While the Community Vision Presentation is designed to present the community-guided results of visioning process thus far, the event will also serve as another opportunity for community members to get up to speed on the entire General Plan process. We encourage all attendees to speak up, ask questions, and provide their thoughts, comments and feedback to the Steering Committee, city officials and their fellow community members.

Envision Heber understands that many Heber City residents will be unable to attend the Community Vision Presentation. To ensure that every voice is heard, those unable to attend the event will have the opportunity to review the presentation and results, and provide feedback online at www.envisionheber.com. As we near the end of the visioning process and transition toward the General Plan update, Envision Heber strongly encourages all community members to follow Envision Heber on social media and subscribe for updates on the Envision Heber 2050 website.

Make your voice heard and help shape the future of our community. Join us on the journey to a better future for Heber City. To learn more about Envision Heber 2050, the 2019 Heber City General Plan and the community visioning process, please visit www.envisionheber.com. Follow us on social media @envisionheber on Facebook and Instagram.


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