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  • 25°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, January 18, 2025
  • 12:24 PM
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Heber Valley Hospital Breaks Ground on $30 Million Expansion

Heber Valley Medical Center will begin to build the future of healthcare in our community with a ground breaking event on Thursday, October 27 at noon for its 30 million hospital expansion project. 

“The ground breaking kicks off the largest investment and improvement project in the history of the hospital. It will impact most of the hospital’s major clinical departments over the next three years,” states Shawn Morrow, hospital administrator.

The project includes building out a new InstaCare, an in-house MRI Suite, a new Emergency Room, which will have 7 patient bays, an infusion therapy suite, a private family waiting room, 2 trauma rooms, a new helipad and a new ambulance bay.

During the second phase the expansion includes renovating the medical offices, building a new main entrance, new café, a more private registration, nursing office, same day surgery, an expanded nursery and expanded in-patient pharmacy.

The ground breaking event begins at noon under the large tent on the northeast corner of the hospital’s campus, located at 1485 South Highway 40 in Heber.

Lunch will be served, followed by the ground breaking ceremony.

“As the community has grown and the need for more advanced, high-quality healthcare has increased, we have responded by designing a campus that will not only allow for leading edge care today, but help us prepare for the next three generations of families who will become part of the Heber Valley and Intermountain Healthcare families,” said Morrow.




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