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Policies and Procedures

HVTED: An Organizational Overview

The purpose of this page is to house various internal documents, including policies and procedures, for HVTED staff.  The HVTED board and staff should review this page regularly to stay current on the organization's mission and objectives.

Vision: Wasatch County will develop a vibrant and sustainable economy and will be recognized as a premier destination to live, work, and play.

Mission: Enhance the quality of life for Wasatch County residents by attracting new capital investment, increasing tax revenues, encouraging local spending, and improving employment opportunities.

We will accomplish our mission by recruiting businesses in high-paying industries, supporting business expansion and retention, creating strategic partnerships, and increasing year-round tourism by promoting local activities, events, and amenities. 

Guiding Values:

Provide Business Resources

  • Provide frequent training and development opportunities for businesses
  • Connect businesses with funding, grants, incentives, coaching, etc.
Develop and Retain Local Talent
  • Partner with public and higher education, workforce services, Wasatch CAPS, and other innovative training programs to develop and retain individual talent

Create Strategic Partnerships

  • Collaborate with local, state, and national agencies, departments, and programs
  • Identify ways to maximize cooperative outreach efforts (e.g., match funding)

Provide Exceptional Public Relations

  • Demonstrate positive, professional, and cooperative behavior while working with others
  • Maintain focus on producing quality, emotional, and memorable ads, stories, messages, relationships, etc.

Operate Organization as a Well-run Business

  • Identify ways to generate revenues from business transactions
  • Invest into areas that have the greatest return

HVTED Policies & Procedures

The purpose of this document is to provide an internal operating structure for Heber Valley Tourism and Economic Development staff.  It outlines best practices and provides general policy expectations related to employment and management in this office.

HVTED Structure

The Heber Valley Tourism and Economic Development Agency (HVTED) is an inter-local agreement between Wasatch County, Heber City, and Midway City (see Appendix One) and is comprised of the following seven members:

1.       Wasatch County Council Representative

2.       Second Wasatch County Council Representative

3.       Midway City Council Representative

4.       Heber City Representative

5.       Tax Advisory Board Chair Person

6.       Chamber of Commerce Council Chair Person

7.       At-large Member selected by HVTED Board

HVTED’s Director prepares and submits a calendar-year budget to the HVTED Board each fall.  The Board may amend the budget and ultimately adopts the budget before the start of a new year.  According to Utah Code, public notices should be given for the Board to adopt the budget.  The budget may be amended during the year by a vote as the HVTED Board deems necessary. 

The HVTED Board meets on the second Monday of each month to provide input and direction to HVTED staff.  The HVTED Board also reviews any expenditures or financial transactions made during the previous month.

Personnel Policy

The Director is appointed by the HVTED Board of Directors.  The HVTED Board sets the salary for the Director and may establish performance and compensation goals.  The HVTED Board and the Director determine the compensation for HVTED employees (following county personnel pay-grade) and may hire or fire an employee as the occasion requires.  The Director is responsible for managing HVTED employees and ensuring that employees are achieving their goals and fulfilling their duties.

In the event that the Director and/or HVTED Board of Directors has any issues or concerns regarding an employee’s behavior or performance, the Wasatch County Human Resource Director will be consulted as to ensure that employment and performance issues are addressed properly and in a professional manner.

Work Schedules

The Heber Valley Visitor Center is open for business Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  It is closed on weekends and all major holidays.

Full-time employees are expected to work 40 hours per week, starting just before 9:00 am and ending at 5:00 pm.  Employees may be required to come in early or stay later as needed.  Employees may take a 20-minute lunch during regular work hours without having to clock out.  Lunches longer than 20 minutes should be reflected on employee’s timecard. 

Overtime is highly discouraged and should be approved by the Director.  

Timecards need to be emailed to David Rowley, Wasatch County HR Director, no later than 9:00 am on the Monday morning payroll is due.  Timecards should be signed and submitted to the Director no later than the Friday prior to the week of payroll.

Vacation and sick time hours are accumulated according to Wasatch County policy.  Employees wanting to use vacation time should provide at least two weeks’ notice whenever possible.  If an employee needs to use sick time or is running late to work, he or she should either call, text, or email the Director at the earliest convenience.  Employees with excessive tardiness may be reprimanded. 

Social Media Usage

Employees are encouraged to use social media for promotional purposes.  Checking personal emails, Facebook accounts, and other social media accounts is acceptable as long as it does not limit productivity.  All employees should avoid viewing any type of image or website containing inappropriate materials or content.

Building Maintenance and Usage

The Heber Valley Visitor’s Center should be kept in the best physical condition possible.  During busy times of the season, a contractor will provide cleaning services once per week or as needed.  Employees should maintain a tidy work environment that is warm and welcoming to outside visitors.  Brochure racks and literature stands should be continually stocked with the most recent materials available.

The last person to leave work should turn off all of the lights inside, turn on the outside lights, and ensure that all doors are locked securely.

The garbage can should be taken to the curb on Monday nights.  The Curb-It recycling truck comes to the office each Tuesday to pick up any recyclable materials.

The Visitor’s Center building may be used for community meetings related to the office only with permission from HVTED staff.  Arrangements should be made to coordinate any such meeting.

Purchasing and Accounting Policies

The Director possesses the sole HVTED credit card and may use it for minor purchases such as gasoline, conference registrations, etc.  The Director may authorize HVTED personnel to use the card for preapproved purchases.  At the end of each month, the Director will review the credit card statement with both the Office Manager and the Chair of the HVTED Board to assure that all expenditures are work-related and are not for personal gain.  Receipts for all purchases should be kept and entered into the accounting system.

The HVTED credit card contains a $3,500 limit.  Purchases of $1,000 or more should be authorized by the HVTED Board.

Most bills and purchases are paid using checks which require two signatures: one from the Director and one from a member of the HVTED Board. 

HVTED should segregate duties in the following areas: credit card charges/reconciliation/payment, preparation of checks/mailing of checks, and the approval of timecards/faxing timecards.

The Office Manager shall print and review the following financial documents with the Director on a monthly basis: (a) the credit card statement, (b) the list of checks that were issues, (c) a profit and loss statement, (d) the balance sheet, and (e) the HVTED budget.  The Director shall also review these documents with the chair of the HVTED Board and present a copy of each document to each HVTED board member during the regular monthly board meetings.

All financial transactions should be accounted for in the QuickBooks accounting software system as they occur, rather than when they clear the bank.  The bank reconciliation should be performed on a monthly basis and then be reviewed by an individual other than the person preparing the bank reconciliation.  All voided checks should be tracked and retained to reduce potential fraud risks.

Capital assets valued at or above $1,000 should be depreciated until retired using the estimated useful lives of the various classes of capital assets, as follows:

Years: 10

Leasehold Improvements             

Travel Policy

Employees traveling for work-related purposes may be reimbursed for travel, lodging, and dinning expenses.  The standard IRS travel reimbursement is 55.5 cents per mile (see Appendix 3).  Any HVTED employee that travels using an airplane shall utilize the most economical flight tickets available.  Shuttles or taxis to or from the airport or conference may be used as needed.

Because the cost of lodging varies from location to location, the HVTED shall only reserve lodging accommodations after searching for the best deals that are packaged with the work conference or event (e.g., most conferences provide a list of partner hotels).

The cost of dining also varies from one part of the country to another.  Therefore, HVTED employees shall seek to find economical dining options while traveling and may be reimbursed up to $50.00 per day for food.  All receipts must be submitted to and authorized by the Director to be eligible for reimbursement.  

Vehicle Policy

The Director of HVTED is responsible for the office vehicle—the 2014 Jeep Cherokee.  The vehicle should be used solely for work related purposes and should be properly maintained and cared for. 

All HVTED employees are insured under the Wasatch County vehicle policy (see appendix 2) and may utilize the vehicle for work purposes if authorized by the Director. 

Fraud and Conflict of Interest Policies

To avoid fraud or its appearance, written contracts and agreements should be provided during any financial or other transaction.  HVTED staff should regularly review all financial statements with the HVTED Board to ensure greater transparency.  Additionally, the Director shall consult with the HVTED board in preparing for major purchases or service contracts.

HVTED should also adopt and follow general public records policies in all forms of communication.

Appendix 1 – HVTED Inter-local Agreement

Appendix 2 – Wasatch County Vehicle Policy



Vehicle Use Policy

  1. Use of Wasatch County Vehicles: 
    1. Wasatch County is required to provide certain emergency services to its residents.  To enable the County to respond timely to both routine hour and after-hour emergencies, calls for assistance, etc. the County provides use of limited number of vehicles to employees.  The County also provides the use of vehicles to employees who are in geographically strategic positions and who are trained to respond to emergencies.  The County also provides the use of vehicles to employees who are required to attend meetings during work, after or near the end of work, or in locations far from the routine work station, as well as employees who perform inspections at remote locations as part of their job function.  The vehicles provided to employees should be suitable for the requirements of the employee’s positions based on a number of considerations, including but not limited to: locale, terrain, weather, job assignment, the need to have different types and sizes of County equipment, towing capacity and passenger accommodation.  The following vehicles are assigned on an “on call” basis.  On call vehicles may be taken to and from work and may be used for County Business outside of normal working hours.

1.       Sheriff’s Patrol Vehicles

2.       Road Superintendent Vehicles

3.       Emergency Management

4.       Designated Department heads

5.       Designated department employees as approved by the Department Head and the County Manager

  1. The Wasatch County Manager, under the direction of the Wasatch County Council, shall have discretion, based on the considerations and objectives set forth in this policy, and on any other relevant factors, to select both those employees who may use a County vehicle to commute to and from work and the type of vehicle best suited to each employee so designated.  County Vehicles not assigned on an “on call” basis shall be stationed during non-work hours as determined by the County Manager.  The use of such vehicle before or after working hours must be approved in advance by the County Manager.
  2. Use of County Vehicles for commuting is considered as compensation for all eligible employees except Law Enforcement.  The County will use the IRS Commuting Rule to determine the amount of reported compensation.  For 2005, the Commuting Rule uses $3/Day, this totals $700.50 per year.  This is subject to change to comply with the Current IRS requirements.  If for any reason, an employee does not comply with the requirements of the Commuting Rule, use of County Vehicles may be restricted.  No employee has the right to the use of a County Vehicle.  Vehicles may be re-assigned at any time.
  3. Personal Use:
  4. County Vehicles may be used only for County business.  Vehicles may not be used for personal purposes other than for authorized commuting or de minimus personal use (such as a stop for a personal errand on the way between business deliveries or assignments).
  1. Markings and Emergency Lights: 
    1. Unless otherwise provided by the County Manager, all County vehicles will be clearly marked on both sides with decals or with special painting identifying the vehicles as property of the County, and shall have license plates displaying the EX symbol.
    2. As directed by the County Manager, certain County Vehicles shall be equipped with yellow emergency lights, traffic cones and other emergency equipment.
    3. Sheriff vehicles will be equipped as emergency vehicles under the direction of the sheriff.  Some vehicles will be under cover with civilian plates as per the direction of the County Sheriff.
  1. Use of personal vehicles for County business: 
    1. Employees are encouraged to use County-owned vehicles when conducting County business.  If a County-owned vehicle is not available or it is not practicable to use one, then the employee may use his/her personal vehicle provided the employee received specific authorization from his/her supervisor.  An employee will be compensated for the use of a private vehicle at the rate per mile then allowed by the Internal Revenue Services.  This compensation represents the employee’s compensation for all costs including gas, maintenance, wear and tear, insurance and capital investment.
    2. If an accident occurs, employees are immediately required to contact their immediate supervisor, the appropriate police agency, and the County Insurance Coordinator.  The supervisor will assist the employee in providing necessary information to law enforcement and insurance company representatives.
  2. Conduct:
  3. An employee operating a County Vehicle shall maintain at the time a valid Utah driver’s license.  In the event an employee’s license is suspended or revoked or otherwise rendered invalid, the employee shall report the suspension, revocation or invalidity to the employee’s supervisor.  An employee shall also report to his/her supervisor 1) any conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance, and 2) any conviction for speeding during the scope of employment.  All reports required by this policy shall be made within one working day after the suspension, revocation, invalidity, or conviction as the case may be.  The supervisor shall, in turn, notify the manager within one working day of receiving the employee’s report.  The failure of an employee to report the suspension, revocation, invalidity or conviction shall be grounds for termination or other disciplinary action.  Loss or suspension of driver’s license when driving is an integral part of employee’s job may result in termination or other disciplinary action.
  1. Accidents or other incidents involving County Vehicles:

a.    Reporting:  All accidents involving County vehicles shall be immediately reported to the employee’s supervisor, the County Manager, the appropriate police agency, and the County Insurance Coordinator. 

Accident Review Board:  Wasatch County has created an Accident Review Board (“ARB”), as set forth in Wasatch County Code Section 2.02.01, to review all accidents involving County vehicles.  In order to maintain his or her privilege to drive County vehicles (“driving privileges”), an employee involved in an accident involving a County vehicle must attend an ARB meeting within 30 days following the accident.  The County Insurance Coordinator will make a reasonable effort to schedule the ARB meeting within 10 days following the accident.  If the ARB meeting cannot be scheduled within 30 days following an accident due to the employee’s schedule, then the employee’s driving privileges will be suspended on the 31st day following the accident.  If the employee fails to attend the ARB meeting after it has been duly scheduled, then the employee’s driving privileges will be suspended at the time of the ARB meeting.

b.       Driving Privileges and Employee Discipline:  Any conduct that results in the suspension of driving privileges may also constitute a basis for additional employee discipline, including termination.  Driving a County vehicle while one’s driving privileges have been suspended is a basis for discipline, including termination.  The suspension of driving privileges may only be lifted by the County Manager.  An employee whose driving privileges are suspended may appeal to the Wasatch County Council during the term of the suspension.  The driving privileges will remain suspended during the appeal.

  1. Fuel and Maintenance purchases: 
    1. Employees who have been issued a County Vehicle are authorized to purchase fuel for that vehicle only.  Every effort shall be made to purchase fuel in the most cost efficient manner possible.  The County shall provide a Gas Card, which shall be used whenever practicable for the purchase of fuel and minor, vehicle-related expenses.  Under no circumstances shall any employee of the County use a County Gas Card, or otherwise charge fuel for any vehicle that is not County-owned.
    2. Charging the County for fuel purchases for vehicles that are not County-owned shall be grounds for termination, criminal prosecution, or other disciplinary action.
  2. Commercial Driver’s License:

Some of the County Vehicles require a Commercial Driver’s License to operate on the road.  No County employee shall operate a vehicle requiring a Commercial Driver’s License on the roads of the State of Utah unless they have a valid Commercial Driver’s License, and have had the appropriate drug and alcohol testing.

  1. Failure to follow County Vehicle Use Policy:

Failure to follow the County Vehicle Use Policy shall be grounds for termination or other disciplinary action.

  1. Miscellaneous: 
    1. Each employee who is issued a County-owned vehicle is responsible for keeping the County Vehicle clean, neat and orderly state.  Employees who are issued a County Vehicle are also responsible for insuring that the oil and other fluids are checked and changed as required on a regular basis as recommended for that vehicle.  Failure to properly care for County Vehicles may be grounds for disciplinary action.
    2. All County owned vehicles must be maintained at the County Public Works Department in order for records to be kept on each vehicle.
    3. Accidents, or other incidents that cause damage to a County Vehicle, or incidents in which a County Vehicle causes damage to another vehicle or other property, shall be reported to the employee’s supervisor immediately.  An accident report from shall be filled out by the employee and turned over to the employee’s supervisor within one (1) working day after the accident or other incident involving a County Vehicle.
    4. The County shall maintain insurance on all County Vehicles as required by law.
    5. Once the manager determines that a County Vehicle is no longer needed by the County, or is economically infeasible to retain, the County Vehicle shall be used as a trade-in, where appropriate, or shall be sold or disposed of as surplus property according to the County Surplus Property Policy.
    6. The provisions of this Policy are severable.  If any of the provisions of this Policy are determined by appropriate authority to be invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
  2. Exceptions:

Request for exceptions to any portion of the County Vehicle Use Policy shall be referred to the County Manager and County Council.

  1. Effective Date:

This policy shall take effect immediately upon signing by the County Manager.

DATED this ______ day of _______________, 2007.


County Manager



County Clerk


Appendix 3 – Mileage Reimbursement Form

Mileage Reimbursement Form - 55.5 Cents/Mile
DatePurposeStarting MileageEnding MileageTotal Mileage










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