User mode: | Stranger/Member |
Logged In: | Not Logged In/Logged In |
Trips: | |
Working trip index: | 1 |
Trip edited: | No |
Trip has saves: | No |
Each year, Wasatch County generously provides grant monies to increase tourism awareness and overnight stays in the Heber Valley. Through an appointed advisory board, grant monies are allocated to event organizers based on merit, need, and the potential to attract significant overnight visitors to the area.
Grant recipients are to use the special event marketing co-op funds exclusively outside of Wasatch County in marketing, advertising, and promoting their events. Any promotional item created using grant money should include the official Heber Valley Logo. For questions about the program, contact Jessica Broadhead, Marketing Manager, at 435-654-3666 or by email at [email protected].
The 2024 application is due on January 1, 2024. 11:59 p.m. MST must receive all applications on January 1, 2024, to be eligible for funding. See the document for complete application requirements. Each application will be scored based on the following criteria: