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  • 29°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, February 08, 2025
  • 09:26 PM
Light Snow 29°
Sunday H: 37°
L: 12°
Monday H: 36°
L: 6°
Partly Cloudy
Tuesday H: 38°
L: 9°
Wednesday H: 37°
L: 6°
Thursday H: 26°
L: 2°

Heber Valley Choir & Orchestra

The choir and orchestra started in 2014 by Newell Bullen and was originally called "Paradise Land Music.” In 2015, the name was changed to "Heber Valley Choir and Orchestra" to reflect the deep love of the beautiful surroundings. In 2018, Timpanogos Valley Orchestra was incorporated, which had been performing The Messiah since 2008 and playing pit orchestra for Timpanogos Valley Theatre under the direction of Heather Thaxton since 2006. In 2019, the non-profit organization renamed to Heber Valley Music and added the Jazz Ensemble.

Mission Statement: Provide high quality musical performing groups for musicians to increase their skills and make connections  through a shared love of music. ​Build relationships by providing diverse educational experiences for children to adults. Inspire community with an appreciation of music for all generations.

Attraction Type
Art and Entertainment
Arts, Culture, Music
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